1 - Get Whitelisted


As part of the QuizSolver Closed Testing Group, you will get the opportunity to test our latest features before they are released to the public, provide valuable feedback, and get rewarded with exclusive benefits.

Step 1: Get Whitelisted To join the closed testing group, you need to sign up to the group on our website through this page. After submitting the sign-up form, and whitelisting your email, you will receive an email confirming your whitelist status. This email will contain a link to download the beta app. Only users who are whitelisted can access the beta.

Please note that the app is only avaible for Android users.

  • How to get whitelisted:

    1. Visit the Closed Testing Page on our website.

    2. Fill out the form with your name and email.

    3. Submit the form and wait for the confirmation email.

    4. Once approved, you will receive an invite to the closed testing group.

Last updated