Smart Highlight
Get AI-powered explanations for any highlighted text. Whether it's for understanding complex terms or summarizing long paragraphs, Smart Highlight offers in-depth insights with just a few clicks.
Simply highlight the text of interest, click right and select "Ask QuizSolver". Quizsolver will provide the necessary information or answers.
The Smart-Highlight feature is a standout functionality in QuizSolver, offering a quick and intuitive way to gain insights and answers. It enhances the way you interact with digital content, making learning and problem-solving more interactive and efficient.
How It Works:
Simply highlight any text on a webpage that you want to understand better or need help with.
Right-click and select "Ask QuizSolver" option from the context menu.
QuizSolver immediately processes the selected text and provides a detailed explanation or answer.
Streamlined Learning Experience:
Smart-Highlight is perfect for instantly clarifying concepts, definitions, and other educational content directly within your browser.
It eliminates the need to switch between different tabs or resources, keeping your focus intact.
Ideal for Diverse Content:
Whether it’s a complex paragraph, a tricky question, or key information you’re studying, Smart-Highlight caters to a wide range of textual content.
It’s especially useful for in-depth research, homework assistance, or quick study queries.
User-Friendly and Efficient:
Engaging with content becomes more productive with this feature, as it’s designed for ease and speed.
Smart-Highlight is an indispensable tool for students, researchers, and anyone who frequently works with text-based digital content.
Maximizing QuizSolver's Potential: Smart-Highlight is a testament to QuizSolver’s commitment to providing a comprehensive and practical learning tool. It’s a feature that truly transforms your digital study and research experience, making it more insightful and less time-consuming.
Last updated